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Anthropology 001 (Casqueiro): Library Catalog

Poster Project for Nancy Casqueiro's class

Library Catalog


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Anthropology Books

GN1-890 Anthropology

GN62.8-265 Human variationIncluding growth, physical form, skeleton, nervous system, skin, etc.

GN269-279 Race (General)

GN280.7 Man as an animal. Simian traits versus human traits

GN281-289 Human evolution

GN282-286.7 Fossil man. Human paleontology

GN296-296.5 Medical anthropology

GN397-397.7 Applied anthropology

GN406-442 Technology. Material culture Including food, shelter, fire, tools, etc.

GN700-890 Prehistoric archaeology

 QL Zoology

QL 737.P9 Primates