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How do I? FAQs

How do I find articles?

Chabot and Las Positas College students, faculty, and staff have access to several online article databases. Article databases are where you should go to find magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles. The databases available to the Chabot community can be found listed on the Article Databases Page.

How do I find books?

The Library Catalog is where you will go to search for all the books, DVDs, videos, and other print and audio-visual materials in the Chabot and Las Positas Library. As Chabot students, you have access to Las Positas' collection free of charge. You can place a hold on items through the catalog and they will arrive the following Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. 

To find books on a topic, you will want to do the following:

  1. Enter search terms as one or two words. No long phrases. 
  2. Put the connector, AND, in between each of your search terms. 
  3. Limit search to Chabot College Library or Chabot and Las Positas i the right pull-down menu. 
  4. Click on Search

How do I print in the library?

Printing is free for students from any of our computers in the library.  Once you send your print job to the printer, you will have to release your print job at the terminal next to the printer. Your print job name will be the name of the document you are printing.

Photocopying costs $0.10 a page in black and white, $0.20 a page in color. The copy machines can take cash. 

How do I get research help?

Every hour that the library is open a librarian is on duty at the Reference Desk. You can also text, call or chat online with a Chabot Librarian every hour that the library is open. To contact a librarian, go to the Library Help Page.

Cite my sources in my paper?

Your instructor may ask you to cite your sources or create a Works Cited page for your paper.

How do I access the article databases from off-campus?

To access the databases from off campus, you must log-in with your W ID and your MyPortal Password.

If your MyPortal Password does not seem to be working, go to MyPortal and after checking to see if your password is working (and if it is not) click on Forgot Password?, and then enter your W ID number.  Wait a few minutes, and then before returning to the database link, CLEAN ALL YOUR COOKIES AND CACHE in your browser, first. 

If you still cannot get in, contact the Library at (510)723-7006.  We can give you temporary solutions to get access to some of our databases.

Articles and Ebooks databases page

For more help on finding articles, you can contact a librarian in a variety of ways on the Library Help Page.

You can download the Library app from Lean Library, that way whenever you come across any article or Ebook when on the Web or searching a Web store, you will get a notification if it's available in the Library's collection at no cost, followed with a link that most often will take you directly to the article or Ebook after you enter your W ID number and password.  Download the app at

Get materials from other libraries?

As Chabot College students, you have access to the Las Positas Library collection (with the exception of reference books and other selected items). The Library Catalog searches the Las Positas and Chabot libraries. From the book's record (the page with all the book's information in the catalog) click on the "Place Hold" button on the right hand side. If there is material not available at either Chabot or Las Positas, it is possible to get an Inter-Library Loan from another library. To see if the item you are looking for is eligible to be sent to Chabot for your use, please contact Blake Lewis at or (510) 723-7113.

We also recommend you get an Alameda County Library card.  With it you have access not only to all of the libraries in its system, but also to check out books at California State University, East Bay!  An Alameda County card will also allow you access to their databases from your home.

Here is a list of other libraries in the Hayward area:

Alameda County Libraries

Hayward Public Library

California State University East Bay Library