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Library Information

General Library Policies


Animals are not permitted inside the Library except for service animals as defined in ChabotLas Positas Community College District Board Policy 5525. Guide dogs and companion dogs specific for persons with disabilities are exempt from the restrictions of this policy.


Bicycles are not permitted in the Library. Students are asked to store their bicycles in appropriately designated spaces on campus.

Borrowing Privileges

Who may check out Chabot Library Materials?

  1. Currently enrolled students. Students must obtain their student identification card and present it when checking out materials or conducting any other library business.
  2. Currently enrolled Las Positas College Students. Las Positas students must provide a current student identification card to check out materials.
  3. Faculty, Staff, & Administrators. Faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged to present their college identification card when checking out library materials. If such card is not readily available, the library staff can still check out materials provided the faculty/staff/administrator is found in the college database system.
  4. Members of the community are welcome to use the resources in the Library. We are not able to check out our materials or allow computer use to non-students.
Cell Phones

The library would like to maintain an environment that is welcoming and conducive to study, so we ask that you refrain from using your cell phone while in the building. Students are asked to set their phones/pagers to silent mode upon entering the Library. Library faculty and staff may approach patrons who are speaking loudly on cell phones and ask them to continue their conversation outside the building. We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave the library if they are disturbing to others.

Copy Machines

Copy machines are located in the Library for student use. Copies are $.10 per page and students can pay with money or with a GoPrint Card. Library faculty and staff are not responsible for copies made in error and do not have funds to reimburse students for such errors. Speak with a library staff member to obtain a receipt for reimbursement from the Business Services Department in room 206.

District Computer Use

Per Board Policy 2311, the computing facilities of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District are provided for use by registered students for instructional activities. Library computers should be primarily utilized to do research, writing and printing class papers, reports and projects, and any other scholarly endeavors. Students waiting to use computers for instructional purposes will be given priority over students accessing the Internet for noninstructional purposes. Use of District computers resources for unauthorized activities is prohibited. Unauthorized activities include, but shall not be limited to the following examples: use of passwords or accounts of another user, attempts to capture or crack passwords, attempts to use loopholes in computer security or special passwords to gain access to systems, obtain extra resources, creation or communication of viruses, worms, or Trojan horses, acts that restrict access to the system of damage the system, acts that threaten, or defame other persons and acts that violate any law.

Food and Drink

Bringing food and drinks into the library is not encouraged. Students are asked to eat and drink outside the building or in the school cafeteria. Library materials are easily damaged by food and liquids and can be very expensive to replace.

Group Study Spaces

The Library has five group study cubicles/spaces for students to utilize in groups of two or more. Students studying alone may utilize the space, but will be asked to move should groups of two or more wish to study together. Students are encouraged to use our silent study room in room 107A/B, or our study carrels while studying alone. Please speak with the reference librarian on duty about using these spaces and the best locations to study within the Library.

Interlibrary Loans

Chabot College Library and Las Positas College Library share one online catalog database. Items are easily requested and transferred between the two libraries. If you need to request a book from the Las Positas Library, ask at the Circulation Desk. Book shipments arrive approximately 2-3 days following the request. Once book shipments are received a staff member will contact you via email or by telephone for pick-up. Limited Interlibrary loans can also be made from other libraries, yet the Chabot Library does not loan out materials through interlibrary loan to other libraries. Please inquire at the Reference Desk for interlibrary loan requests.

Library Orientations

Instructors are encouraged to schedule a library orientation for students attending their courses. Course related sessions introducing students to information resources and research strategies are scheduled through the Library Services Specialist and require a minimum of one week’s notice. Instructors are required to attend each orientation and are given the opportunity to enrich the session with thoughts, suggestions and queries. Submit an online orientation request form

Making Change

The library can assist in making change as needed for students to purchases GoPrint cards and/or use of the copy machines. A very small amount of money is kept for making change and, therefore; $20.00 bills cannot be accepted. Coins, $1.00, $5.00, & $10.00 bills will be accepted.

Opening and Closing

The library will be open during its’ regularly scheduled hours of operation each semester. In the evening the Computer/WRAC Center/Audio-Visual areas will shut-down 15 minutes prior to closing time. All computers and printing services will be unavailable. The library is not open during semester breaks or on district observed holidays. Students are encouraged to call the Library prior to visiting to obtain hours of operation and closure dates. (510) 723-6764 or (510) 723-7006.

Wireless Devices

Wireless Internet access is available within the Library. Printing is not available from your own wireless laptop or other devices. Providing wireless Internet access does not ensure that your device will work on our network. Library faculty and staff can answer basic questions regarding wireless access and are not able to provide in-depth technical assistance with your computer. Library patrons are encouraged to use the patio area or schedule a study room for teleconferencing or other online interactions that may disturb other library patrons.