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Philosophy 050 Shannon: Subject terms

Explain the stance of a philosopher on the issue (can be from text or contemporary thinker)



Twelve Theories of Human Nature:




  1. Way of the Sages (Confucianism)




  1. Quest for Ultimate Knowledge (Hinduism or Indian Philosophy)




  1. In the Footsteps of the Buddha (Buddhism)




  1. Rule of Reason (Plato)




  1. Ideal of Human Fulfillment (Aristotle)




  1. Humanity in Relation to God (Bible)



  1. Submission to God (Islam)



  1. Reasons and Causes, Morality and Religion (Kant)




  1. The Economic Basis of Human Societies (Marx)



  1. The Unconscious Basis of Mind (Freud)



  1. Radical Freedom (Sartre)


  1. Darwinian Theories of Human Nature (Darwin)




Phil 50

1. Cost of college (free)







2. .Mental illness







3. Quality of education between rich and poor districts






4. Racial injustice








5. Poverty (causes and remedies)





6.Right to assisted suicide




7. Sustainability/pollution



8. Life/death issues



9. Legalization of marijuana



10. Police brutality


11. Health (childhood obesity)





1. College costs; Tuition; textbooks; Student loan debt; Higher education -- Finance; Community colleges; Universities & colleges -- Cost control


2. Mental illness; Depression (Psychology; Treatment; Drug therapy; Psychiatry; Mental health; Schizophrenia;



3.Rich people -- Education; School districts; Low-income students; Poor people -- Education; Property tax; Taxation;


4. Racial injustice; Race discrimination; Gender & Racial Oppression; RACE relations; Racial identity; Racism; Stop & frisk (Police method); Racial profiling


5. Cause; Poverty; Poor; Economic conditions; Socioeconomic factors; Government policy; Globalization


6. Assisted suicide; Physicians;  Moral & ethical aspects; euthanasia; Patients -- Legal status, laws, etc.; Right to die; Palliative treatment;Hospice; Quality of life; Patients' rights; Medical ethics; Terminal care



7. Sustainability;  Air pollution; Water pollution; Climatic change;  Energy conservation; Pollution control industry; Sustainable development; Energy consumption; Clean energy industries


8. Life expectancy; Assisted suicide; Mortality;Terminal care; Old age;  Longevity -- Genetic aspects; Aging


9. Marijuana legalization; Marijuana -- Law & legislation; Proposition 64; Controlled Substances Act, 1970 (U.S.); Colorado; Medical marijuana


10. Police brutality; Police brutality; Police misconduct; Minorities -- Crimes against;Police corruption; Police shootings; Police harassment;


11. Childhood obesity; Obesity in children -- Prevention; Treatment;Child nutrition; Overweight children; Children -- Health; Sugars in human nutrition; Soft drinks; Food labeling




Philosopher Search (See Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)