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English 001A (McQuade) Sky Burial by Xinran) Matthews: Searching Tricks

Library Catalog Tricks

Searching for Books:

   AU: Xinran, Xue

   TI: Sky Burial

   SU: Tibet Autonomous Region (China)       Description and travel Fiction.

BOX Checks:

    Chabot College Library


    Print Book

Searching tricks

Searching term tricks

* Used to expand the word you are searching to include plurals. etc.

              Example: Tibet*  gives you Tibet, Tibetan  

"quotes"  Use for phrases     Example "Sky Burial"

OR Use for either or searching       Example: Tibet* or Xinran

And Use to combine terms you want to have  Example:Tibet* and "Sky Burial" 

Not  or AndNot Use when you want to eliminate a word from your search (Warning: if you cut a word and it is in an article with words you want, you won't see that article!) Example: Not vultures

Book Locations

Print Books in the library

Tibet: DS 785- DS 786

China: DS 777- DS 779

Tibetan Buddhism BQ 7530-BQ 7950