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Psychology-Counseling 023 (Tripp): Project C

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Project C: Final Project and Presentation: Project C = 100 Possible Points (50 points for flyer/brochure and 50 points for the presentation) – Social Justice, Advocacy and Campus Resources – Due on December 16, 2014 at Final Exam; Presentations will be made during Final Exam Time

In a group of 2-4 people: Identify a key social or community issue that impacts you and your classmates. Create a 1 page informational flyer or brochure that explains the following:

a) the social or community issue;

b) how the issue impacts you and your classmates;

c) 1 or more resources on campus that may help address the issue;

d) 1 or more off campus resources that may help address the issue;

e) how students impacted by the issue can utilize the resources; f) how students can get involved to raise awareness or make a change about the issue.

Community Resources

The Big Blue Book

The Big Blue Book is Eden I&R's Directory of Human Services for Alameda County. It is compact, bound, and made of strong, lightweight paper. It has listings for 1,000 agencies with over 1,850 health and human service programs, including information on:

Learning Opportunities

Sept. 19th & 20th

RSVP w/Sara Parker:

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