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Psychology-Counseling 023 (Tripp): Project B

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Other Titles to Consider:

Navigating Your Way to Successful Transfer to the University of California

How to Transfer to the College of your Choice

The Secrets of College Success




Project B = 50 Possible Points – Researching University Transfer – Due October 23, 2014

Option 1: Research upper division college culture by identifying 2 potential transfer universities. Complete a “Researching My Major” Questionnaire on each university, answering specific questions on your selected major and upper division requirements at that specific university. Using the information from your questionnaires, create a posterboard that compares and contrasts each university and major.


Option 2: Visit 1 potential transfer university in person. Complete a “Visit to My Transfer University” Questionnaire. Using the information from your questionnaire, create a posterboard that explains the pros and cons of you transferring to that university.

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