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English 001 A (Kirst): Controversial Topics: Hi!

Chat with a Librarian

Summer Hours

Post Spring Break

Mondays to Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Chat Reference hours:





paper writing

Welcome to the Chabot College Library guide to Instructor Kirs't English 1A class. Here's some important information about the library you might need for this class and for future classes at Chabot. Visit the library website at

If you even have questions at home, you can contact a librarian during open hours at (510) 723-6764 or (510) 723-7006, or go to Chat with a Chabot Librarian.

To contact me personally, Email me at   LIBRARY REMODEL UPDATES

Subject Guide

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Norman Buchwald
Chabot College Library
Room #117