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English 001 (Yungerman): Articles&Books

BK: Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

Databases Off-Campus

Login Screen

To access databases off campus, you enter your W number as your username (begin with a CAPITAL W).  Your password is: the first two letters of your first name, the first two letters of your last name, and the last FOUR digits of your W Number.  To learn more, take this tutorial (you will need Flash):

How to Get into Databases Off Campus

If you still have problems getting in, take this tutorial:

What to Do if You STILL Cannot Get into Databases Off Campus

Magazines and Essays




search also the books/ebooks choices on the top right.


Mainly Journals

Pro and Con Books


Pro / Con Book Series: How to Search for them

Opposing Viewpoints BooksExample searching the Library Catalog using Opposing Viewpoints as keywords.

The Library has different series of books that are devoted to hot topics.  When browsing a list of the titles, enter the title of the series in the Library Catalog.  Search for these titles:

Opposing Viewpoints

Information Plus

Taking Sides

At Issue

Current Controversies 



Books and Ebooks