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Physics 004B: General Physics II (Hildreth): Search Statements

Formulating a Search Statement

  1. Come up with Search Terms (concrete nouns or key concepts in usually no more than a two word phrase for each INDIVIDUAL search term).  A search statement should NEVER be a long phrase or sentence.
  2. For mulltiple search terms put AND in between each one: Climate Change AND United States
  3. As you search databases, look at the Subjects list and jot down key subject words.  You may want to use those terms instead for future searching.
  4. When searching an EBSCO database, look at the left column for search limiters and click on any key subject headings to further limit your search.


Next Step: Formulate The Statement

Minimum Wage AND Benefits AND United States AND Economy.

EBSCO Search Form

Limit Results with More Search Terms or Select Subjects on the Left side (in EBSCO Databases)

NOTE: Feel free to click on "Show More" for more subject heading suggestions students can select.  They can click in more than one checkbox.

For articles that are really on the mark, take note and jot down key subject headings below the article record.

Subject Headings below article

Note: If after reading an individual article, student wants to find more like that article, that's when they may want to look at what that article has CITED and then in Articles Plus, student can copy and paste an individual article title to see if that's available in the Library's full text collection.

Subject Headings

Touch Screens

ANALOG circuits

Touch screen interfaces

Analog integrated circuits

Analog computers






Hall thruster

Hall effect thruster

Video Games


Computer Input Design



Electron Microscopes 

Total Harmonic Distortion

HARMONIC distortion (Physics)

Electric power systems


ARTIFICIAL limb design & construction

Aurora Borealis

Small scale magnetic fields

Magnetic fields

Total Energy systems

Solar electric propulsion

Solar array

Electric Propulsion

Propulsion Systems

Solar Cells


Cardiac pacemaker




Electrostatic discharges

Electric Discharges

Tesla Coils

Electric Transformers

Induction Coils


Electromagnetic Pulses

High altitude aeronautics

Electric Relays

Electric Circuit Breakers

Solid state batteries


Photoelectric Effect

Photoelectric polarimeter


Vehicle to Grid

Renewable Energy sources

Total Energy systems

Electric Vehicle Batteries

BYD Co. Ltd

Cylindrical battery

HYBRID electric vehicles -- Batteries

LITHIUM-ion batteries