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English 001 CIN (Johnston): Search Strategies

"Re-imagining Systems"

Topic Worksheet


Topic Worksheet

Subject Headings


Subject Headings

Some official subject headings related to your research. 

Library of Congress Subject Headings Books


  • Education
  • Public Schools
  • Health Care System
  • Other?
  • Prisons
  • Prison Industrial Complex
  • Music Industry
  • Other?

Boolean Operators


Boolean Operators: Search with AND, OR, NOT


Searching tricks


Searching term tricks

*   Expand the word you are searching to include plurals. etc.: Apocalyp* gives you Apocalyptic, Apocalypse

"quotes"   Use for phrases: "Phillip Dick"

OR   Use for either or searching: Androids or Robot

And   Use to combine terms you want to have: Apocalyp* and scifi

Not   Use when you want to eliminate a word from your search (Warning: if you cut a word and it is in an article with words you want, you won't see that article!)

      Not Alien or invasion