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English 001 (Mclean): Indigenous Peoples of the United States, Undocumented Immigrants, Sustainability, Etc.: Citing Sources

MLA Handout

MLA 9 handout will likely not be available until at least the end of Fall, 2022.  If your instructor asks you to use MLA 9, please go to the OWL website.


Noodle Tools offer direct export from our most popular databases. Look for the "Cite" or "Export" button and select Noodle Tools to export. 

EBSCO database



Gale eBooks

Gale eBooks citation export

Gale NoodleTools Option on the Left


Export to NoodleTools fourth to the right

Also look for the cite button in JSTOR, InfoBase, and Films on Demand.

You Quote It, You Cite It!

You Quote It, You Cite It! is Las Positas Library's adaptation of the Acadia University Library's tutorial on avoiding plagiarism.  Click here to take the tutorial.