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English 007 (Foth) Research Paper on Films: Stereotypes in Media & Internet

"The Mammy" in Cartoons

What is Being Gay (According to the Media)

Asians in Cartoons

Home Economics Story

Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat

Montage from Spike Lee's Bamboozled

Stereotypes Still Exist

The Native American in Cartoons

Mexicans/Mexican Americans in Cartoons

Arabs in Cartoons

Family Guy (Women in the Workplace)--Spoof

Brief History of the USA ( from Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine)

Disturbingly Racist Cartoons

Famous Example of Fighting Back Against Stereotypes

Handouts and Other Information

What the Internet Conveys

Dr. Safiya Noble Lecture Presentation (Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression)

Dr. Sofia Noble's Presentation at CARL, 2016