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communication studies 001 (Ianniello): Speeches

Speech Preparation

Library Catalog
We have a lot of books that can give you tips on preparing a speech.  Your search term is:
Public Speaking.



Famous Speeches

Vital Speeches of the Day
This publication publishes famous speeches from 1934 to the present

American Rhetoric
5,000 full text, audio and/or video presentations of famous speeches.

Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World
A collection of contemporary speeches from women across the world.

Say it Plain: A Century of Great African American Speeches
Transcripts and videos of famous African American speeches from the 20th Century.

Voices of Democracy: The U.S. Oratory Project
Website devoted to study the great speeches and debates

Demonstrative and Readings

How Stuff Works
The reference web site that explains in simple language how the simplest to the more complex tasks or devices operate.

Alameda County Library and Hayward Public Library
Enter your search terms in the catalog and then go to your local branch (remember Hayward Public is a separate system from Alameda County Library) to check out your book.  If you do not have a Library card with Alameda County or Hayward as of yet, apply for a Library card there and then check out your books!   

Library Catalog
Search the Library catalog to find something you want to read out loud for a readings assignment.  Use search terms such as Monologues, Short Stories, or Poems to find materials you may want to read out loud.

The Online Public Books Page
Find books on the public domain.  Most are published before the 1930s.  Includes many works that are online and in full text from famous authors.