Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970Part 1. Population. Vital statistics and health and medical care. Migration. Labor. Prices and price indexes. National income and wealth. Consumer income and expenditures. Social statistics. Land, water, and climate. Agriculture. Forestry and fisheries. Minerals. -- Part 2. Construction and housing. Manufactures. Transportation. Communications. Energy. Distribution and services. International transactions and foreign commerce. Business enterprise. Productivity and technological development. Financial markets and institutions. Government. Colonial and pre-federal statistics.
Statistics and Data Interpretation for Social Work"Without question, this text will be the most authoritative source of information on statistics in the human services. From my point of view, it is a definitive work that combines a rigorous pedagogy with a down to earth (commonsense) exploration of the complex and difficult issues in data analysis (statistics) and interpretation. I welcome its publication.".-Praise for the First Edition. Written by a social worker for social work students, this is a nuts and bolts guide to statistics that presents complex calculations and concepts in clear, easy-to-understand language.