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English 001 A PUENTE (Huerta): Welcome/Bienvenidos!: Subject Terms

Broad Research Topic: Immigrant Rights Focused Issues: DACA; detention centers; sanctuary; DREAM Act; TPS; "Muslim Ban"

Library Subject Headings

These are the official Library of Congress Subject Headings that you can use for many of your searches in our databases. You would find subject headings such as these by browsing through the Library of Congress Subject Headings books or browsing the "Catalog Record" of every title found in our Library Catalog.  SPELL OUT ALL ACRONYMS.

What "search terms" to use?

Using the correct words to search will help you find relevant information.

Different authors and search tools use different words to describe the same concepts, so it is useful to have a list of similar and related terms in your arsenal when you set out to search for relevant information.

The process of creating these alternative terms is called brainstorming terms or concept mapping.


immigrants AND detention centers

undocumented AND incarceration