Topic Worksheet
Subject Headings
Some suggestions related to your paper.
These are the official Library of Congress Subject Headings that you can use for many of your searches in our databases. You would find subject headings such as these by browsing through the Library of Congress Subject Headings books or browsing the "Catalog Record" of every title found in our Library Catalog (Ontology is the subject term for "Being in the Present," for example). |
Search with AND, OR, NOT
Searching term tricks
* Expand the word you are searching to include plurals.
etc.: catholic* gives you catholic, catholicism
"quotes" Use for phrases: "Pittsburgh Cycle"
OR Use for either or searching: Blacks OR African Americans
And Use to combine terms you want to have: church AND abuse
Not Use when you want to eliminate a word from your search (Warning: if you cut a word and it is in an article with words you want, you won't see that article!)