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Summer Hours

Post Spring Break

Mondays to Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Chat Reference hours:







Welcome to the Chabot College Library guide to Instructor Tenn's English 4 class. Here's some important information about the library you might need for this class and for future classes at Chabot. Visit the library website at

If you have any research questions or just get stuck at the library, come talk to the librarian at the reference desk. We are on duty during all library open hours.

If you even have questions at home, you can contact a librarian during open hours at (510) 723-6764 or (510) 723-7006

For general lessons on Library skills, go to our Library Tutorials page:  The Searchpath tutorial provides detailed lessons on research while the other tutorials are brief and interactive.

If you have questions about your library account or borrowing prviliges, you can contact the circulation desk during open hours at (510) 723-7513.

To contact me personally, Email me at