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Business 010: Business Law (Patterson): Chabot Library Databases

This class research guide covers finding resources on Business Law, including finding court cases, legal reviews, and articles on your business legal topic.

LexisNexis Academic

LexisNexis is the main database many companies and law firms use for their research.  Nexis Uni searches newspapers, company information, and legal resources. 

Google Scholar Legal Research


Google Scholar

Google Scholar (the legal version) currently leads you to a lot of law journals and court opinions available for free, in full text.  If however, you come across a site that asks you to pay by credit card, we recommend you pass it by as you will likely find it in full text in LexisNexis.

To search Google Scholar click here

ProQuest Diversity Databases

EBSCOhost Business Databases

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Databases Off-Campus

Single Sign On Screen

To access databases off campus, you enter your W number as your username (begin with a CAPITAL W).  Your password is: the first two letters of your first name, the first two letters of your last name, and the last FOUR digits of your W Number.  To learn more, take this tutorial (you will need Flash):

How to Get into Databases Off Campus

If you still have problems getting in, take this tutorial:

What to Do if You STILL Cannot Get into Databases Off Campus