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English 001 A (Hodsdon): Obedience to Authority: Article types

Research assignments on Stanley Milgram's experiement, Nuremberg, Adolf Eichmann, My Lai, Watergate, Abu Ghraib, street gangs, Antigone and the Lottery.

Scholarly Journals vs. Popular Magazine Articles


Scholarly vs. Popular Articles

Scholarly Journal

Purpose -  report on original research or experimentation

Length - longer, in-depth analysis 

Authors - expert or scholar in discipline, name and credentials provided

Language/Audience - jargon of discipline for scholarly readers

Format/Structure - serious look, structure (abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion), always cite sources

Evaluation - reviewed and evaluated by subject experts and editors



Popular Magazine Articles

Purpose -  to entertain, to sell products, to promote a particular viewpoint

Length - short, broad overview, litle depth

Authors - staff writer/journalist, name and credentials often not provided

Language/Audience - simple language, general readers

Format/Structure - slick, attractive appearance, not a specific format, does NOT cite sources, lots of graphics

Evaluation - not evaluated by subject experts or editors