1. Enter search terms or keywords as one or two words. Short phrases work best.
2. Put the connector AND in between each of your search terms when you want the results to contain BOTH search terms. This will reduce the size of your search results. Example: Matrilineal AND Third Gender
3. Put the connector OR in between your search terms when you want the results to contain either search terms. This will increase the size of your search results. Example: Matrilineal OR Third Gender
4. Put the connector NOT in between your search terms when you want the results to exclude some results. This will reduce the size of your search results and might prevent you from seeing relevant results.. Example: Bruno Mars NOT Candy
5. During the library shutdown, you will most likely want to limit your Search Results to only those items that are available Online. Once you get a set of results, look at the left hand side, under Availability and check "Available Online".