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Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Support Services: 2B.1

Library and Learning Support Services


"The institution supports student learning and achievement by providing library, and other learning support services to students and to personnel responsible for student learning and support. These services are sufficient in quantity, currency, depth, and variety to support educational programs, regardless of location or means of delivery, including distance education and correspondence education. Learning support services include, but are not limited to, library collections, tutoring, learning centers, computer laboratories, learning technology, and ongoing instruction for users of library and other learning support services."

Review Criteria

  1. The institution assesses the effectiveness of its own library and learning support services in terms of quantity, quality, depth and variety.
  2. The institution has an established evaluation process to determine it has sufficient depth and variety of library materials, including technology support, to meet the learning needs of its students.
  3. All campus locations/all types of students/all college instructional programs are equally supported by library services and accessibility.
  4. The college provides equitable learning support services for DE/CE students and traditional on-campus students.

Sources of Evidence

  • College catalog information on library and other learning support services. These services may be repeated in a Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and/or Personnel Handbook;
  • Web-based access to all library and learning support services;
  • Web instructions on how to use online library and learning support services;
  • Schedules of trainings/workshops/podcasts on how to use library and learning support services;
  • New staff and faculty orientations that include library and learning support services on the agenda;
  • Results of student satisfaction surveys or other evaluations of library and learning support services;
  • Results of faculty and staff satisfaction surveys or other evaluations of library and learning support services;
  • Enrollment reports of library and learning support users;
  • Other reports of student use of library and learning support services;
  • And/or other documents that demonstrate the institution is aligned with this Standard.