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Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Support Services: 2B.4

Library and Learning Support Services


"When the institution relies on or collaborates with other institutions or other sources for library and other learning support services for its instructional programs, it documents that formal agreements exist and that such resources and services are adequate for the institution’s intended purposes, are easily accessible and utilized. The institution takes responsibility for and assures the security, maintenance, and reliability of services provided either directly or through contractual arrangement. The institution regularly evaluates these services to ensure their effectiveness."

Sources of Evidence

  • Copies of contracts or MOUs with external sources, organizations, consortiums, or agencies;
  • Evaluations of these external services, which may be included in program reviews;
  • Reports of numbers of end users;
  • And/or other documents that demonstrate the institution is aligned with this Standard.

Review Criteria

  1. Collaboration with other institutions or other sources for library and learning support services are evaluated for quality assurance, including services that are formalized through contractual agreements.
  2. The institution gathers information to assess whether the services are being used and are effective.

EBSCO Renewal Title List

Social Science & Humanities Title List (2021)