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English 001 (Worthington): Umoja--Homegoing: "Footnote Chasing"

FootNote Chasing

Sometimes you may come across one article that better "fits" your topic than your general search terms.  When this happens you should probably investigate what the criticism cites and then look up those that seem based in the text of the article itself may further discuss the themes you want to explore.  What you can do is copy and paste the citation (start with the article or chapter title first, and then add the journal or book title as an additional term, if needed).  When you paste the citation, we recommend you start with the a larger scope first such as: Articles First, OneSearch, Google Scholar (or Google Books) and finally Google at large, to see if the article is available in full text somewhere.

You can also search the title of the article you found itself and expand your search to full text to see if any resources have cited your desired work as well.


Articles Plus


Google Scholar/Books

Google--Smart Searching

Smart Searching Google

1.  Log out of Igoogle or Gmail if you're logged on (otherwise you're in the filtered bubble)

2.  Phrases always in quotation marks.

3.  At Search Results page, always select the gear icon on the top right and select Advanced.

4.  In Advanced, Enter more terms in the top bars.

5.  Limit by domain (such as .edu, .gov or .org) OR limit by file type (such as .PDF)

You should NEVER have to go through millions of results ever again.

In general:

1.  I Feel Lucky is NEVER an option for a true researcher.

2.  Search Google with your Google profile turned off (Email, Igoogle, Google Docs, etc.)

3. Wikipedia entries-- only useful if you look at and evaluate what the sources are for the entry.  Wikipedia by itself is NOT reliable.

4.  Avoid ads (shaded portions, right side entries, etc.)