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Library Skills 002 (Morrison): Web Searching and Comabating Fake News (as Provided by Norman Buchwald): Challenges of Web

Challenges of the Public Web and Search Engines

Deceptive news stories (i.e. "Fake News") in social media is due to Bots (Software programs) creating phony IDS that "like" or link to these sources.  However, search engines have been manipulated this way since the birth of the internet.  Deceptive, phony, and racist websites have often appeared in the top of search results such as Google.  It is why you MUST look at public websites with SCRUTINY.

Deceptive and Disturbing Sites

Dr. Safiya Noble's Presentation at CARL, 2016

Dr. Safiya Noble Lecture Presentation (Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression)

Wikipedia--Authorship and Editorship