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Communication Studies 046 (Eisenberg-Todd): Web


Challenges of the Public Web and Search Engines

Deceptive news stories (i.e. "Fake News") in social media is due to Bots (Software programs) creating phony IDS that "like" or link to these sources.  However, search engines have been manipulated this way since the birth of the internet.  Deceptive, phony, and racist websites have often appeared in the top of search results such as Google.  It is why you MUST look at public websites with SCRUTINY.

Google--Smart Searching

Smart Searching Google

1.  Log out of Igoogle or Gmail if you're logged on (otherwise you're in the filtered bubble)

2.  Phrases always in quotation marks.

3.  At Search Results page, always select "Settings" on the top right and select Advanced.

4.  In Advanced, Enter more terms in the top bars.

5.  Limit by domain (such as .edu, .gov or .org) OR limit by file type (such as .PDF)

You should NEVER have to go through millions of results ever again.


In general:

1.  I Feel Lucky is NEVER an option for a true researcher.

2.  Search Google with your Google profile turned off (Email, Igoogle, Google Docs, etc.)

3. Wikipedia entries-- only useful if you look at and evaluate what the sources are for the entry.  Wikipedia by itself is NOT reliable.

4.  Avoid ads (shaded portions, right side entries, etc.)

Great websites

C-SPAN Video Library

The C-SPAN Video Library records all three C-SPAN networks seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Programs are extensively indexed, making the database of C-SPAN programming an unparalleled chronological resource.

Institutional Repositories


USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)

US Dept.of State ("Diplomacy in Action")


RAND (nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision-making through research and analysis)

Harvard Think Tank List (institutions affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, non-governmental organizations, and businesses that generate public policy research, and analysis)

CGS Policy Archive (collects and archives public policy research publications from think tanks in the United States)