Welcome Learning Connection Scholars! This guide is to provide you guidance on how to provide effective tutoring on Library Skills including: general research, coming up with a topic, narrowing down topics, formulating search strategies, choosing the right database, why you should in most cases steer students away from Google at least as a first stop for research, how to cite sources and more.
This guide is for you as Learning Connection Scholars to review and get ideas on how to help students who come to you. If you need further help, the chatbox with a librarian is available to your left and there is nothing wrong of you and the student to head upstairs to chat with the librarian at the reference desk. Given that, sometimes students come to you instead of a librarian as you are their peer and they may feel more comfortable asking help from you, even though librarians are always very happy to help them. So yes, you can help, but if stumped, please remember librarians are here to help both you the tutor and the student in need.
This guide helps you figure out what you can provide students with more quick, ready needs.